Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Sacred Vulnerability

I recently bore witness to a loved one's passing.  The indelible imprint from this time is the deep realization of the power and vulnerability of breath.  At a certain point in the dying process, one becomes aware at such a visceral level that one, single breath separates the mysterious chasm between life and death.

The power that human beings often masquerade behind obscures our shared fragility.  As I read David Abram's beautiful new book, Becoming Animal, I am made ever more conscious of the humble yet exquisite mammals we are.  Sinking into our glorious corporeality, we cannot be anything but grounded.  Grounded and aware of our limitations - and inspired and awed by our deeper underlying interconnectedness.

In grieving the death of another in our shared field, we open ourselves to the raw vulnerability of loss.  Our grief, often expressed in tears and cries, lets our breath follow the final exhale of our loved one - reverberating in our own soulful song with all that is.