Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Where We Go From Here....

Today I share with you an excerpt from a powerful editorial written by Nancy Roof of Kosmos: A Journal for Global Citizens Creating the New Civilization.  If you have never seen this journal, I strongly recommend you check it out.  It is full of inspiring articles, artwork, and insights dedicated to the great paradigm shift of our times.

Nancy writes:

Many of us think that by changing ourselves we can change the world, while Second Axial Spirituality recognizes the expanded need to change the way the world works so that it expresses our basic values.  Alone, we are disempowered and victims of mass media propaganda - designed to scare us into numbness in order to preserve the system.  We urgently need to link our global efforts in a spirit of cooperation, as people in every country wake up to the reality that all issues are interdependent and need to be connected.  Even more importantly, it is up to you and me to change the world - not alone, but together.  Whereas the average person is appalled at the worsening situation and feels helpless to do anything about it, let's consider that there are so many more of us - let's find our place in this era of need.  Let's find out what amazing things we can do together.  Help ignite the worldwide protests!

What would happen if we widened our vision, deepened our ideas, focused on our strategies and experienced our felt-compassion to embrace the plight of every single individual on the planet?  What if we were energized by the possibility of making a difference, rather than being defeated by incessant bad news?  What if we designed new systems that expressed a higher turn of the spiral of our human potential?

If you care abut one billion hungry people without clean water to drink.  If you care about the 100,000 Iraqis who died in a war they never wanted.  If you care about unpiloted drones killing people without human guidance and much more, please join the Global Citizens Movement (GCM): A Global Community of Conscience, Integrity and Action at http://www.kosmosjournal.org/.

We care - do you?