Friday, May 21, 2010

Turning Conflict Into Art

There is real difficulty in naming, acknowledging, and owning the experience of violation and, potentially trauma, that can sometimes occur in intense conflicts.  It can be even more challenging to move on from conflicts that offer no balm or accountability for the unethical actions of others. We can be hurt so deeply when the acknowledgement of our voice, our perspective, our strength, and the integrity of our intentions is refused.  The 'easy', (and sometimes brutish) route of blaming and scapegoating  for a conflict situation emerges when another's humanity is denied.

Speaking truth to power is one of the most paradoxically powerful and vulnerable forms of conflict that emerges in our world.   Toxic authority - both the kind that is entrenched in outer systems, as well as in inner ways of relating that are learned behaviours - does not like to be challenged, or have its actions questioned in any way.  Toxic power can respond to questioning with rage, panic, and ruthlessness.  Rather than allow the truth to emerge, cover ups and denial are the learned modes of operating, thereby creating more and more confusion and despair within the self-regulating system of life.  Healthy life systems have their own exquisitely tuned feedback loops which are always co-creating towards greater self-expresson, self-expansion and wholeness.

Learning from the dance of opposites that we find in the natural world, we see the stunning co-creativity that is constantly at work in all dynamics.  If we could remember, and truly trust this instinct and impulse, our  trauma could potentially become the canvas of the greatest form of expression of the deepest source of our selves.  The artist of life, through honouring and expressing the comedy and tragedy of the dance, can turn painful conflict into an exquisite new creation.


  1. Even discovering a form for that expression can feel powerful. It is not always obvious. Sometimes we need to dabble in words and paint and photos and building to find the right canvas, and even then, it can be daunting to follow the dance of opposites.

  2. It really can be daunting, Carine - I agree. Yet that energy needs to move and be expressed in some way, or else it can hold us back from engaging fully in life again.

  3. Well spoken! ..This is so very true. A way to respond, to express response-ability, ... it is healing on deep levels.

    With thanks and Light of Love,


  4. The tone of this writing has a sacredness to it. I would like to share this link on my blog, my Facebook page, and with others in my sacred circles. You do good work.

  5. Thank you very much for your encouragement.
