Sunday, October 21, 2012

Yes, We Can Embrace Our True Nature

These are remarkable times. The tension of opposites feels taut as never before – poised on a brink of both intense devastation, and exhilarating possibilities. Shadow and light seem to be revealing themselves to us in new guises. The events and synchronicities are pulling us, guiding us, to unexplored vistas of our consciousness, wisdom and potential. This feels like the opportune moment to embody a new and ancient perspective.

Could it be that this is the time when we might remember the inherent holiness that connects us all in the breathtaking web of life? Is this an opportunity to recognize the need to pull back our own projections and take true responsibility for our destinies on this planet? Will this be the era where we move beyond the either/or dualities that devour harmony and unity, and embrace our role as peacemakers? Are we capable of listening to the guidance that continually reminds us that our true nature is to honour all that is and serve?

Yes, we can make a leap beyond what we have known and find ourselves standing in our indigenous, essential truth – we are one with all of creation. We are embedded in that web of love.

This is the kind of love that can make justice more of a reality, that embraces difference, and can transform the horror. Only this love can hold us together and keep us from tearing ourselves apart. This is the love can help us stand firm for a better world - a more equal, humane, sustainable and peaceful world.

We are being called to plant our own sacred seeds in the seeming impossibility of the mess, and stop waiting to be redeemed.

A deeply primal instinct as old as life reveals itself through a pearl of wisdom – we will reap what we sow. We are being challenged to tend to a radically new harvest – a radically new (yet old) way of being.

The time is now.

Yes, we can step out of the shadows and begin.

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